Bora Mici is an artist, translator, editor and a writer. She is a graduate of the University of Maryland in College Park (2019), where she studied French and Italian and of Columbia University (2005) where where she studied Architecture with a Concentration in Art. She has written for, and She has also translated from French and Italian for The Global Grid, Watching America and the Italian urban planning journal UP-Land. She has co-translated Noam Chomsky's book "Who Rules the World" and Ben Macintyre's "The Spy and the Traitor" from English into Albanian. You can also find her translations of French and Italian poetry and literary extracts into English on Arttists Speak.
She is also a visual artist who enjoys working in oil, colored pencil, markers, pastels and graphite. She has been painting and drawing for over twenty years. She often paints and draws from photographs and believes that establishing scale and composition are the two most important aspects of a successful work of art. Building value adds a third dimension to the work. She leaves the interpretation of time to the beholder.
Bora Mici maintains her own blog Arttists Speak, which is a contemporary archive on the perspectives of artists on the state of art after the conceptual turn in the middle of the 20th century.
Recently, she has begun adding contemporary and older, but still relevant, literary and art news translations to this archive.
She works and lives in Gaithersburg, Maryland.